All Authors
Stampp, Kenneth M.
Stamps, Donald
Stamps, Donald C.
Stamps, Douglas
Stamps, Jeffrey
Stamps, Judith
Stamps, Laura
Stampton, Eddie
Stamz, Richard E.
Stan, Corina
Stan, Cornel
Stan, Cornel C.
Stan, Lavinia
Stan, Leo
Stan, Marius
Stan, Mircea R.
Stan, Peter J. E
Stan, Sister
Stan, Smith
Stan, Susan
Stanard, Matthew G.
Stanaszek, Walter F.
Stanat, Ruth
Stanaway, John
Stanaway, John C.
Stanback Jr, Thomas M
Stanback Margaret, White
Stanback, Thomas M.
Stanberry, Artemesia
Stanberry, Donovan
Stanberry, Lindsey
Stanberry, Ronald
Stanberry, Scott A.
Stanborough, Michael
Stanborough, Rebecca
Stanborough, Rebecca J.
Stanbridge, Jules
Stanbridge, Karen
Stanbridge, Paul
Stanbridge, Ray
Stanbrook-Byrne, Simone
Stanbury, Lee
Stanbury, Rupert
Stanbury, Sarah
Stancampiano, Juliana
Stance, Dylan
Stancek, Claire Marie
Stancer, H.C.
Stancey, Helen
Stanchev, Michael
Stanchfield, Jennifer
Stanchfield, Walt
Stanchyshyn, Volodymyr
Stancic, Saray (Saray Stancic)
Stancil Levine, Elisa
Stancil, Wilburn T.
Stancioff, Charlotte Eloise
Stancioff, Nadia
Stanciu, Brett Ann
Stanciu, C
Stanciu, Cristina
Stancke, Fabian
Stancliff, Michael
Stancliffe, Clare
Stancliffe, Michael
Stancliffe, Paul
Stancliffe, Sarah
Stancomb, Anthony
Stancu, Alina
Stanculescu, Manuela
Stanculescu, Manuela Sofia
Stanczak, Gregory C.
Stanczyk, Dorota
Stanczyk, Erin
Stanczyk, Ewa
Stanczyk, Izabela
Standaert, Michael
Standaert, Nicolas
Standage, Tom
Standal, CJ
Standal, Oyvind
Standard, Brett
Standard, Guy
Standefer, Katherine E.
Standefer, Robin
Standefer, Roxanne L.
Standefer, Shawn
Standen Battle, Georgia
Standen, Kathleen
Stander, Bella
Stander, Dr. Simon
Stander, Marietjie
Stander, Phillip
Standerline, Joe
Standerline, Nigel
Standeven, .
Standfield, Catriona (Worcester State University)
Standfield, F.G.
Standfield, Nigel
Standfield, Rachel
Standhartinger, Angela
Standifer, Leon C.
Standifird, William
Standiford, C.W.
Standiford, Les
Standiford, Natalie
Standing Bear, Luther
Standing, A
Standing, Andy
Standing, Craig
Standing, E. M.
Standing, Guy
Standing, Hilary
Standing, Jade
Standing, James
Standing, Jonathan
Standing, Kiralee
Standing, M
Standing, Mooi
Standing, R W
Standing, Sarah
Standish, Alex
Standish, Ali
Standish, Chloe
Standish, David
Standish, Dominic
Standish, Dr Alex
Standish, Isolde
Standish, Jules
Standish, Katerina
Standish, Marjorie
Standish, N. Graham
Standish, P
Standish, Paul
Standish, Peter
Standish, Sarah
Standish, Stephanie
Standish, Thomas
Standlee, Whitney
Standler, R
Standley, Eleanor Rose
Standley, Wayne
Standop, Jutta
Standridge, Dana
Standridge, J.
Standring, Timothy J
Standring, Timothy J.
Stanean, Marius
Staneart, Doug
Staneff, Tony
Stanek, Lukasz
Stanek, Robert
Stanek, William
Stanes, Robin
Stanesby, Derek
Stanescu, Catalin Gabriel
Stanescu, Mircea
Stanescu, Nicolae-Doru
Stanescu, Saviana
Stanescu, Tudor D.
Stanet, Marthan
Stanev, Emil
Stanev, Hristomir A.
Stanev, Martin
Stanev, Todor
Staneva, Mila
Stanfa-Stanley, Sherry
Stanfield II, John H
Stanfield-Johnson, Rosemary
Stanfield-Mazzi, Maya
Stanfield, Cindy
Stanfield, David
Stanfield, Dr. Peter
Stanfield, Frances
Stanfield, James Field
Stanfield, Lesley
Stanfield, Michael Edward
Stanfield, Peter
Stanfield, Peter R. (University of Leicester)
Stanfield, Susan J.
Stanfill, Francesca
Stanfill, Mel
Stanford III, Herbert W.
Stanford-Blair, Nancy
Stanford, Ann
Stanford, Anna
Stanford, Anthony
Stanford, Ashley
Stanford, Brian
Stanford, Carol
Stanford, Charlotte A.
Stanford, Craig
Stanford, Craig B.
Stanford, Dennis J.
Stanford, Donald E.
Stanford, Duncan
Stanford, Eleanor
Stanford, Erica
Stanford, Frank
Stanford, Geoffrey
Stanford, Henry
Stanford, Herb
Stanford, Jane
Stanford, Jane H.
Stanford, Jason
Stanford, Jill Charlotte
Stanford, Jim (Centre for Future Work)
Stanford, Joan
Stanford, Keith
Stanford, Ken
Stanford, Liz
Stanford, Lois
Stanford, Matthew
Stanford, Matthew S.
Stanford, Michael
Stanford, Michael (formerly University of the West of England)
Stanford, Miles J.
Stanford, Naomi
Stanford, Nichole E.
Stanford, Paul
Stanford, Pete
Stanford, Peter
Stanford, Robert
Stanford, Sara
Stanford, Simon
Stanford, Stephen K.
Stanford, Tamsin
Stanford, Theodore B.
Stanford, W.
Stang, C.
Stang, Carla
Stang, Charles M.
Stang, Chris
Stang, Christian
Stang, Debra
Stang, Felix Laurin
Stang, Flynn
Stang, Heather
Stang, Jamie (University of Minnesota)
Stang, Katrin Maria
Stang, Knut
Stang, Nicholas F. (University of Toronto)
Stang, Paul
Stanga, Carlo
Stangalino, Chaira
Stange-Fayos, Christina
Stange, Alfred
Stange, Anne Elisabeth
Stange, George Robert
Stange, Joe
Stange, John
Stange, Mary Zeiss
Stange, Raimar
Stangel, Eric
Stangeland, John
Stanger-Ross, Ilana
Stanger-Ross, Jordan
Stanger, Allison
Stanger, Anya
Stanger, Arabella
Stanger, Margaret
Stanger, Nina
Stanger, Shelby
Stanger, Tony
Stangerup, Henrik
Stangl, Dalene
Stangl, Karen Meyers
Stangl, Paul
Stangl, Roland
Stangl, Thomas
Stangle, Dave
Stangle, Gabriel
Stangler, Cole
Stanglin, Keith D
Stanglin, Keith D.
Stanglini, Ruggero
Stangneth, Bettina
Stango, Marco
Stangor, Charles
Stangroom, Jeremy
Stanhope-Brown, James
Stanhope, Esther
Stanhope, Hester Lady
Stanhope, Leicester
Stanic, Paula
Stanier, Dr James
Stanier, James
Stanier, John
Stanier, Michael Bungay
Stanier, Peter
Staniewski, Przemyslaw
Staniford, Philip
Staniforth, .
Staniforth, A E
Staniforth, Alan
Staniforth, Alex
Staniforth, Amy
Staniforth, Andrew
Staniforth, Andrew N.
Staniforth, J.
Stanik, Joseph T.
Stanik, Martin
Stanik, Tim
Stanikk, Neville
Staniland, Emma
Staniland, John
Staniland, Karen
Staniland, Kay
Staniland, Martin
Staniland, Martin (University of Glasgow)
Staniland, Paul
Staniloae, Dumitru
Stanimirovic, Ivan
Stanimirovic, Olivera M.
Staniok, Camilla Denager
Stanionis, Victor
Stanish, Bob
Stanish, Charles
Stanisic, Sasa
Stanislaus, Grace
Stanislaus, Lazar T
Stanislavski, Constantin
Stanislavski, Konstantin
Stanislavsky, Konstantin
Stanislaw Rosloniec, Rosloniec
Stanislawski, Dan
Stanislawski, Jan
Stanislawski, Michael
Stanislawski, Robert
Stanislovaityte, Gabija
Stanistreet, Debbi (University Of Liverpool)
Stanistreet, Paul
Stanisz, Piotr
Staniszewska, Urszula
Staniszewski, Anna
Staniszewski, Mary Anne
Staniszkis, Jadwiga
Stanitzok, Nico
Stanivukovic, Goran
Stank, Theodore Paul
Stankard, Martin F.
Stankard, Paul J
Stankard, Paul J.
Stankard, Paul Joseph
Stanke, Cornelia
Stanke, Luke
Stankevych, Olena
Stankewitsch, Peter
Stankievich, Joanne Ivy
Stankiewicz, Damien
Stankiewicz, James A. (Loyola University Medical Center)
Stankiewicz, Lukasz
Stankiewicz, Malgorzata
Stankiewicz, Marius
Stankiewicz, Mary Ann
Stankiewicz, Nikolai R.
Stankiewicz, Piotr
Stankiewicz, W J
Stankiewicz, W. J.
Stankiewicz, W.J.
Stanko, Elizabeth
Stanko, Elizabeth A.
Stanko, Tomasz
Stankorb, Sarah
Stankosky, Michael
Stankov, Petar
Stankova, Marietta
Stankova, Marietta (London School of Economics)
Stankovic, Goran
Stankovic, Peter A
Stankovic, Radomir S.
Stankovic, Stanislav
Stankovic, Svetomir
Stankovikj, Lidija
Stankovsky, Jan
Stankoweit, Theresa
Stankus, Jan
Stankus, Tony
Stanlake, David
Stanlake, George
Stanley (Personal), Charles
Stanley Alder, Vera (Vera Stanley Alder)
Stanley Appelbaum, Text by
Stanley Blair, Gabrielle
Stanley Gardner, Erle
Stanley Lee, Gerald
Stanley Niaah, Sonjah
Stanley Redgrove, H
Stanley Tanswell, Fenner (Loughborough University)
Stanley Vardys, V
Stanley-Baker, Joan
Stanley-Becker, Isaac
Stanley-Marbell, Phillip (Carnegie Mellon University)
Stanley-Millner, Pamela
Stanley, Adam C.
Stanley, Amy
Stanley, Amy Dru
Stanley, Amy Dru (University of Chicago)
Stanley, Andy
Stanley, Angela
Stanley, Archie
Stanley, Arthur
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Stanley, Autumn
Stanley, B
Stanley, Barbara
Stanley, Ben
Stanley, Billy
Stanley, Bob
Stanley, Brian
Stanley, Bruce
Stanley, Bruce E.
Stanley, Bryan
Stanley, Carl
Stanley, Carol
Stanley, Catherine A. (Salford University)
Stanley, Charles
Stanley, Charles F.
Stanley, Christopher
Stanley, Christopher D.
Stanley, Colin
Stanley, Colleen
Stanley, Crawford
Stanley, David
Stanley, David (The University of New England)
Stanley, David E
Stanley, David Gordon
Stanley, David W.
Stanley, Deborah B.
Stanley, Deborah G
Stanley, Deborah G.
Stanley, Debra
Stanley, Dereck
Stanley, Derek